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How to create subdomain for user in node.js

I'd like to share some user information at username.domain.com at my application. Subdomain should be available after user create his account.

I have found nice module that could be useful in that case: Express Subdomain

How can I do it properly using that module? Maybe this module isn't so useful so which one should I use?

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Abdizriel Avatar asked Jun 20 '15 07:06


People also ask

Can you make your own subdomain?

Rather than registering a new domain name, you can always create a subdomain using your existing domain name. A subdomain is an addon to your primary domain with its unique content. It is a separate part of your website that operates under the same primary domain name without you purchasing a new domain.

1 Answers

As I mentioned in OP comments, using Nginx webserver in front of Node would be very good option, since this is a secure way to listen 80 port. You can also serve static files (scripts, styles, images, fonts, etc.) more efficiently, as well as have multiple sites within a single server, with Nginx.

As for your question, with Nginx, you can listen both example.com and all its subdomains, and then pass subdomain to Node as a custom request header (X-Subdomain).


server {
    listen          *:80;
    server_name     example.com   *.example.com;

    set $subdomain "";
    if ($host ~ ^(.*)\.example\.com$) {
        set $subdomain $1;

    location / {
        proxy_set_header    X-Subdomain     $subdomain;


var express = require('express');
var app = express();

app.get('/', function(req, res) {
    res.end('Subdomain: ' + req.headers['x-subdomain']);


This is a brief example of using Nginx and Node together. You can see more detailed example with explanation here.

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Oleg Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 05:09
