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How to create ASCII animation in a console application using Python 3.x?

I would like to port this question to Python (Windows + Linux + Mac Os)

How to create ASCII animation in Windows Console application using C#?

Thank you!

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Hamish Grubijan Avatar asked Apr 28 '10 01:04

Hamish Grubijan

People also ask

How do you make animations in Python?

You can create animations in Python by calling a plot function inside of a loop (usually a for-loop). The main tools for making animations in Python is the matplotlib. animation. Animation base class, which provides a framework around which the animation functionality is built.

5 Answers

I just ported my example with the animated gif to ASCII animation from my answer here to python. You will need to install the pyglet library from here, as python unfortunately has no built-in animated-gif support. Hope you like it :)

import pyglet, sys, os, time

def animgif_to_ASCII_animation(animated_gif_path):
    # map greyscale to characters
    chars = ('#', '#', '@', '%', '=', '+', '*', ':', '-', '.', ' ')
    clear_console = 'clear' if os.name == 'posix' else 'CLS'

    # load image
    anim = pyglet.image.load_animation(animated_gif_path)

    # Step through forever, frame by frame
    while True:
        for frame in anim.frames:

            # Gets a list of luminance ('L') values of the current frame
            data = frame.image.get_data('L', frame.image.width)

            # Built up the string, by translating luminance values to characters
            outstr = ''
            for (i, pixel) in enumerate(data):
                outstr += chars[(ord(pixel) * (len(chars) - 1)) / 255] + \
                          ('\n' if (i + 1) % frame.image.width == 0 else '')

            # Clear the console

            # Write the current frame on stdout and sleep

# run the animation based on some animated gif
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Philip Daubmeier Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 04:10

Philip Daubmeier

This is precisely the sort of application that I created asciimatics for.

It is a cross-platform console API with support for generating animated scenes from a rich set of text effects. It has been proved to work on various flavours of CentOS and Windows and OSX.

Samples of what is possible are available from the gallery. Here's a sample similar to the animated GIF code provided in other answers.

Colour images

I assume you're just looking for a way to do any animation, but if you really wanted to replicate the steam train, you could convert it to a Sprite and give it a Path that just runs it across the Screen, then play it as part of a Scene. Full explanations of the objects can be found in the docs.

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Peter Brittain Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 04:10

Peter Brittain

Simple console animation, tested on python3 in Ubuntu. addch() doesn't like that non-ascii character, but it works in addstr().

#this comment is needed in windows:
#  encoding=latin-1
def curses(win):
    from curses import use_default_colors, napms, curs_set

    row, col = win.getmaxyx()
    anim = '.-+^°*'
    y = int(row / 2)
    x = int((col - len(anim))/2)
    while True:
        for i in range(6):
            win.addstr(y, x+i, anim[i:i+1])
            win.addch(y, x+i, ' ')

if __name__ == "__main__":
    from curses import wrapper

@Philip Daubmeier: I've tested this under Windoze and it doesn't work :(. There's three basic options going forward: (please choose)

  1. Install a third-party windows-curses library (http://adamv.com/dev/python/curses/)
  2. Apply a windows-curses patch to python (http://bugs.python.org/msg94309)
  3. Abandon curses altogether for something else.
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bukzor Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 02:10


Colorama: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/colorama

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ja. Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 04:10


Well, I managed to port Philip Daubmeier's solution to python 3 (and also added color mapping to it). The main problem was the ord-function, which needed to be left out, as Python 3 - bytestring indexing returns the ASCII-value directly, instead of the char at that position (see here and here..). I created a Git repo, feel free to contribute (better performance would be desirable-> pm for invitation):

repo: https://github.com/sebibek/gif2ascii

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seebi Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 04:10
