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How to create an infinite Stream<E> out of an Iterator<E>?

Looking at the following class I've made:

public class FibonacciSupplier implements Iterator<Integer> {     private final IntPredicate hasNextPredicate;      private int beforePrevious = 0;     private int previous = 1;      private FibonacciSupplier(final IntPredicate hasNextPredicate) {         this.hasNextPredicate = hasNextPredicate;     }      @Override     public boolean hasNext() {         return hasNextPredicate.test(previous);     }      @Override     public Integer next() {         int result = beforePrevious + previous;         beforePrevious = previous;         previous = result;         return result;     }      public static FibonacciSupplier infinite() {         return new FibonacciSupplier(i -> true);     }      public static FibonacciSupplier finite(final IntPredicate predicate) {         return new FibonacciSupplier(predicate);     } }  

And the usage of it in:

public class Problem2 extends Problem<Integer> {     @Override     public void run() {         result = toList(FibonacciSupplier.finite(i -> (i <= 4_000_000)))                 .stream()                 .filter(i -> (i % 2 == 0))                 .mapToInt(i -> i)                 .sum();     }      @Override     public String getName() {         return "Problem 2";     }      private static <E> List<E> toList(final Iterator<E> iterator) {         List<E> list = new ArrayList<>();         while (iterator.hasNext()) {             list.add(iterator.next());         }         return list;     } } 

How would I be able to create an infinite Stream<E>?

If I were to use Stream<Integer> infiniteStream = toList(FibonacciSupplier.infinite()).stream(), I would, possibly surprisingly, never get an infinite stream.
Instead the code would loop forever in the creation of the list in an underlying method.

This so far is purely theoretical, but I can definately understand the need for it if I would want to first skip the first x numbers from an infinite stream, and then limit it by the last y numbers, something like:

int x = MAGIC_NUMBER_X; int y = MAGIC_NUMBER_y; int sum = toList(FibonacciSupplier.infinite())     .stream()     .skip(x)     .limit(y)     .mapToInt(i -> i)     .sum(); 

The code would not ever return a result, how should it be done?

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skiwi Avatar asked Feb 22 '14 15:02


People also ask

How do you make an infinite stream?

We can create an infinite stream of any custom type elements by passing a function of a Supplier interface to a generate() method on a Stream.

What is infinite stream in Java?

Java Language Streams Infinite StreamsCalling a terminal method on an infinite Stream causes the Stream to enter an infinite loop. The limit method of a Stream can be used to limit the number of terms of the Stream that Java processes. This example generates a Stream of all natural numbers, starting with the number 1.

2 Answers

Your mistake is to think that you need an Iterator or a Collection to create a Stream. For creating an infinite stream, a single method providing one value after another is enough. So for your class FibonacciSupplier the simplest use is:

IntStream s=IntStream.generate(FibonacciSupplier.infinite()::next); 

or, if you prefer boxed values:

Stream<Integer> s=Stream.generate(FibonacciSupplier.infinite()::next); 

Note that in this case the method does not have to be named next nor fulfill the Iterator interface. But it doesn’t matter if it does as with your class. Further, as we just told the stream to use the next method as a Supplier, the hasNext method will never be called. It’s just infinite.

Creating a finite stream using your Iterator is a bit more complicated:

Stream<Integer> s=StreamSupport.stream(   Spliterators.spliteratorUnknownSize(     FibonacciSupplier.finite(intPredicate), Spliterator.ORDERED),   false); 

In this case if you want a finite IntStream with unboxed int values your FibonacciSupplier should implement PrimitiveIterator.OfInt.

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Holger Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 13:10


In Java 8 there are no public, concrete classes implementing the interface Stream. However, there are some static factory methods. One of the most important is StreamSupport.stream. In particular, it is used in the default method Collection.stream –inherited by most collection classes:

default Stream<E> stream() {     return StreamSupport.stream(spliterator(), false); } 

The default implementation of this method creates a Spliterator by invoking spliterator(), and passes the created object to the factory method. Spliterator is a new interface introduced with Java 8 to support parallel streams. It is similar to Iterator, but in contrast to the latter, a Spliterator can be divided into parts, that can be processed independently. See Spliterator.trySplit for details.

The default method Iterable.spliterator was also added in Java 8, so that every Iterable class automatically supports Spliterators. The implementation looks as follows:

default Spliterator<T> spliterator() {     return Spliterators.spliteratorUnknownSize(iterator(), 0); } 

The method creates the Spliterator from an arbitrary Iterator. If you combine these two steps, you can create a Stream from an arbitrary Iterator:

<T> Stream<T> stream(Iterator<T> iterator) {     Spliterator<T> spliterator         = Spliterators.spliteratorUnknownSize(iterator, 0);     return StreamSupport.stream(spliterator, false); } 

To get an impression of Spliterators, here is a very simple example without using collections. The following class implements Spliterator to iterate over a half-open interval of integers:

public final class IntRange implements Spliterator.OfInt {     private int first, last;     public IntRange(int first, int last) {         this.first = first;         this.last = last;     }     public boolean tryAdvance(IntConsumer action) {         if (first < last) {             action.accept(first++);             return true;         } else {             return false;         }     }     public OfInt trySplit() {         int size = last - first;         if (size >= 10) {             int temp = first;             first += size / 2;             return new IntRange(temp, first);         } else {             return null;         }     }     public long estimateSize() {         return Math.max(last - first, 0);     }     public int characteristics() {         return ORDERED | DISTINCT | SIZED | NONNULL             | IMMUTABLE | CONCURRENT | SUBSIZED;     } } 
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nosid Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 13:10
