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How to create an akka-stream Source from a Flow that generate values recursively?

I need to traverse an API that is shaped like a tree. For example, a directory structure or threads of discussion. It can be modeled via the following flow:

type ItemId = Int
type Data = String
case class Item(data: Data, kids: List[ItemId])

def randomData(): Data = scala.util.Random.alphanumeric.take(2).mkString 

// 0 => [1, 9]
// 1 => [10, 19]
// 2 => [20, 29]
// ...
// 9 => [90, 99]
// _ => []
// NB. I don't have access to this function, only the itemFlow.
def nested(id: ItemId): List[ItemId] =
  if (id == 0) (1 to 9).toList
  else if (1 <= id && id <= 9) ((id * 10) to ((id + 1) * 10 - 1)).toList
  else Nil

val itemFlow: Flow[ItemId, Item, NotUsed] = 
  Flow.fromFunction(id => Item(randomData, nested(id)))

How can I traverse this data? I got the following working:

import akka.NotUsed
import akka.actor.ActorSystem
import akka.stream._
import akka.stream.scaladsl._

import scala.concurrent.Await
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration

implicit val system = ActorSystem()
implicit val materializer = ActorMaterializer()

val loop = 
  GraphDSL.create() { implicit b =>
    import GraphDSL.Implicits._

    val source = b.add(Flow[Int])
    val merge  = b.add(Merge[Int](2))
    val fetch  = b.add(itemFlow) 
    val bcast  = b.add(Broadcast[Item](2))

    val kids   = b.add(Flow[Item].mapConcat(_.kids))
    val data   = b.add(Flow[Item].map(_.data))

    val buffer = Flow[Int].buffer(100, OverflowStrategy.dropHead)

    source ~> merge ~> fetch           ~> bcast ~> data
              merge <~ buffer <~ kids  <~ bcast

    FlowShape(source.in, data.out)

val flow = Flow.fromGraph(loop)



However, since I'm using a flow with a buffer, the Stream will never complete.

Completes when upstream completes and buffered elements have been drained


I read the Graph cycles, liveness, and deadlocks section multiple times and I'm still struggling to find an answer.

This would create a live lock:

import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger

def unfold[S, E](seed: S, flow: Flow[S, E, NotUsed])(loop: E => List[S]): Source[E, NotUsed] = {
  // keep track of how many element flows, 
  val remaining = new AtomicInteger(1) // 1 = seed

  // should be > max loop(x)
  val bufferSize = 10000

  val (ref, publisher) =
    Source.actorRef[S](bufferSize, OverflowStrategy.fail)

  ref ! seed

    .map{x =>
      loop(x).foreach{ c =>
        ref ! c
    .takeWhile(_ => remaining.decrementAndGet > 0)

EDIT: I added a git repo to test your solution https://github.com/MasseGuillaume/source-unfold

like image 319
Guillaume Massé Avatar asked Jul 29 '18 10:07

Guillaume Massé

2 Answers

Cause of Non-Completion

I don't think the cause of the stream never completing is due to "using a flow with a buffer". The actual cause, similar to this question, is the fact that merge with the default parameter eagerClose=False is waiting on both the source and the buffer to complete before it (merge) completes. But buffer is waiting on merge to complete. So merge is waiting on buffer and buffer is waiting on merge.

eagerClose merge

You could set eagerClose=True when creating your merge. But using eager close may unfortunately result in some children ItemId values never being queried.

Indirect Solution

If you materialize a new stream for each level of the tree then the recursion can be extracted to outside of the stream.

You can construct a query function utilizing the itemFlow:

val itemQuery : Iterable[ItemId] => Future[Seq[Data]] = 
  (itemIds) => Source.apply(itemIds)

This query function can now be wrapped inside of a recursive helper function:

val recQuery : (Iterable[ItemId], Iterable[Data]) => Future[Seq[Data]] = 
  (itemIds, currentData) => itemQuery(itemIds) flatMap { allNewData =>
      val allNewKids = allNewData.flatMap(_.kids).toSet

        Future.successful(currentData ++ allNewData)
        recQuery(allNewKids, currentData ++ data)

The number of streams created will be equal to the maximum depth of the tree.

Unfortunately, because Futures are involved, this recursive function is not tail-recursive and could result in a "stack overflow" if the tree is too deep.

like image 121
Ramón J Romero y Vigil Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 18:11

Ramón J Romero y Vigil

I solved this problem by writing my own GraphStage.

import akka.NotUsed
import akka.stream._
import akka.stream.scaladsl._
import akka.stream.stage.{GraphStage, GraphStageLogic, OutHandler}

import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext

import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.util.{Success, Failure, Try}

import scala.collection.mutable

def unfoldTree[S, E](seeds: List[S], 
                     flow: Flow[S, E, NotUsed],
                     loop: E => List[S],
                     bufferSize: Int)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Source[E, NotUsed] = {
  Source.fromGraph(new UnfoldSource(seeds, flow, loop, bufferSize))

object UnfoldSource {
  implicit class MutableQueueExtensions[A](private val self: mutable.Queue[A]) extends AnyVal {
    def dequeueN(n: Int): List[A] = {
      val b = List.newBuilder[A]
      var i = 0
      while (i < n) {
        val e = self.dequeue
        b += e
        i += 1

class UnfoldSource[S, E](seeds: List[S],
                         flow: Flow[S, E, NotUsed],
                         loop: E => List[S],
                         bufferSize: Int)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) extends GraphStage[SourceShape[E]] {

  val out: Outlet[E] = Outlet("UnfoldSource.out")
  override val shape: SourceShape[E] = SourceShape(out)

  override def createLogic(inheritedAttributes: Attributes): GraphStageLogic = new GraphStageLogic(shape) with OutHandler {  
    // Nodes to expand
    val frontier = mutable.Queue[S]()
    frontier ++= seeds

    // Nodes expanded
    val buffer = mutable.Queue[E]()

    // Using the flow to fetch more data
    var inFlight = false

    // Sink pulled but the buffer was empty
    var downstreamWaiting = false

    def isBufferFull() = buffer.size >= bufferSize

    def fillBuffer(): Unit = {
      val batchSize = Math.min(bufferSize - buffer.size, frontier.size)
      val batch = frontier.dequeueN(batchSize)
      inFlight = true

      val toProcess =

      val callback = getAsyncCallback[Try[Seq[E]]]{
        case Failure(ex) => {
          fail(out, ex)
        case Success(es) => {
          val got = es.size
          inFlight = false
          es.foreach{ e =>
            buffer += e
            frontier ++= loop(e)
          if (downstreamWaiting && buffer.nonEmpty) {
            val e = buffer.dequeue
            downstreamWaiting = false
          } else {

    override def preStart(): Unit = {

    def checkCompletion(): Unit = {
      if (!inFlight && buffer.isEmpty && frontier.isEmpty) {

    def sendOne(e: E): Unit = {
      push(out, e)

    def onPull(): Unit = {
      if (buffer.nonEmpty) {
      } else {
        downstreamWaiting = true

      if (!isBufferFull && frontier.nonEmpty) {

    setHandler(out, this)
like image 22
Guillaume Massé Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 17:11

Guillaume Massé