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How to create a UI like the new market or Google plus?


I was wondering if there is an "official" way to create apps for Android that will have the same design as the new Android market or Google+ app. By that I mean having the possibility to slide to the left/right to change the view, have the list on the top, etc.. (any Android user probably get what I mean)

If there is no official way, do you have any tips on how to reproduce these effets ?

like image 682
Quentin Avatar asked Jul 24 '11 12:07


People also ask

What UI does Google use?

If you're looking to learn as much as you can about Google's Android skin known as Pixel UI, this is where you need to be! Most people likely think Google Pixel smartphones come with stock Android. This is only half true, though. In reality, Pixel phones come with an Android skin known colloquially as Pixel UI.

2 Answers

I believe this is what your referring to ' Android Compatibility Package '


This allows the following:

ViewPager: A ViewGroup that manages the layout for the child views, which the user can swipe between.

PagerAdapter: An adapter that populates the ViewPager with the views that represent each page.

These are used in the G+ app


is used in the Market app.

Your best reading the URL I posted at the top for full description and use.

Another way to get best practive UI is to read the source of the Google Official Apps:

Google IO Sched Source

You might also want to check out some of the Google IO Presentations:

On the web: Implementing UIs IO 2011

On your phone: All IO 2011 & 2010 Videos ( Shameless Plug :p )

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Blundell Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 07:09



This is the best implementation of such a view. It's really great. Just like Google+ and Google Docs. with the title slides and everything.

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dasfima Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 07:09
