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Why use LINQ Join on a simple one-many relationship?


I've been using LINQ to SQL and Entity Framework for a few years and I've always mapped my database relationships to generate the relevant navigation properties. And I always use the navigation properties.

Am I missing something?

If I have a Category->Products one-many type relationship, I would use

var redProducts = context.Category.Single(c => c.Name = "red").Products;

I regularly see people doing manual joins, all over this site, in projects online, and various other websites.

var employer = from category in context.Categories
               join product in context.Products
               on category.CategoryId equals product.CategoryId
               where category.Name == "red"
               select product;

So - why? What are the benefits of using this Join syntax?

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Kirk Broadhurst Avatar asked Aug 29 '11 11:08

Kirk Broadhurst

People also ask

What is the purpose of using LINQ?

LINQ to objects – Allows querying in-memory objects like arrays, lists, generic list and any type of collections. LINQ to XML – Allows querying the XML document by converting the document into XElement objects and then querying using the local execution engine.

What is LINQ Why should we use LINQ and what are the benefits of using LINQ?

LINQ offers the following advantages: LINQ offers a common syntax for querying any type of data sources. Secondly, it binds the gap between relational and object-oriented approachs. LINQ expedites development time by catching errors at compile time and includes IntelliSense & Debugging support.

What is LINQ join?

In a LINQ query expression, join operations are performed on object collections. Object collections cannot be "joined" in exactly the same way as two relational tables. In LINQ, explicit join clauses are only required when two source sequences are not tied by any relationship.

What type of join is LINQ join?

A LINQ JOIN keyword is used to combine rows from two or more tables, based on a common field between them. Like SQL Joins, the Linq is also provided some keywords to achieve Inner Join and Outer Join. As we know from SQL outer join is divided into 2 groups that is Left Outer Join and Right Outer Join.

2 Answers

It's usually a mistake.

@George is correct that your two examples are functionally different in a way which has nothing to do with join vs non-join, however. But you could just as easily write:

var redProducts = context.Category
                         .Where(c => c.Name == "red")
                         .SelectMany(c => c.Products);

...which is functionally identical (but superior from a readability and maintainability POV) to your join example.

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Craig Stuntz Avatar answered Dec 27 '22 11:12

Craig Stuntz

It might result from porting the old code to linq2sql.

However, the two code snippets are not functionally equal.

Single will throw exception, while join yields an empty collection in case of missing record.

So, an equal code without using joins would be:

from c in context.Categories where c.Name == "red" from p in c.Products select p;


context.Categories.Where(c=>c.Name == "red").SelectMany(c=>c.Products);
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George Polevoy Avatar answered Dec 27 '22 11:12

George Polevoy