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How to create a String with format?

People also ask

Is a format string for string?

In java, String format() method returns a formatted string using the given locale, specified format string, and arguments. We can concatenate the strings using this method and at the same time, we can format the output concatenated string. Parameter: The locale value to be applied on the format() method.

Does format return a string?

The Java String. format() method returns the formatted string by a given locale, format, and argument. If the locale is not specified in the String.

I think this could help you:

let timeNow = time(nil)
let aStr = String(format: "%@%x", "timeNow in hex: ", timeNow)

Example result:

timeNow in hex: 5cdc9c8d

nothing special

let str = NSString(format:"%d , %f, %ld, %@", INT_VALUE, FLOAT_VALUE, LONG_VALUE, STRING_VALUE)


Update: I wrote this answer before Swift had String(format:) added to it's API. Use the method given by the top answer.

No NSString required!

String(format: "Value: %3.2f\tResult: %3.2f", arguments: [2.7, 99.8])


String(format:"Value: %3.2f\tResult: %3.2f", 2.7, 99.8)