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How to create a SQL Server login for a service account on a non-English Windows?

Given a Windows Server 2008 R2 system, where the service accounts use a non-English display language, with SQL Server 2008, the following Transact-SQL statement fails:


with the following error:

Windows NT user or group 'NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE' not found. Check the name again.

(or the same message in the non-English display language for the service accounts, depending on the context).

This same statement succeeds if the service accounts use English as their display language.

The reason seems clear: on, e.g., a German system the display name for this account is NT-AUTORITÄT\NETZWERKDIENST, and the name NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE (with a space) is not recognized. Also the non-localized name NT AUTHORITY\NETWORKSERVICE (no space) does not work.

My question: How should I rewrite the above statement so that it works irrespective of the display language? Or am I forced to find out the localized name (in InstallScript in my case)? Then I can use


which does work...

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MarnixKlooster ReinstateMonica Avatar asked Feb 02 '23 16:02

MarnixKlooster ReinstateMonica

2 Answers

From what I've tried, and from what I read in a German forum thread entitled "Well-known SID im SQL Server nutzen", this is not possible. Apparently unfortunately SQL Server's CREATE LOGIN was designed to accept only a localized name in DOMAIN\username format.

A hint, from that same thread, is to look at section "Localized Service Names" in "Setting Up Windows Service Accounts" for the localized names that need to be used in a CREATE LOGIN statement.

The only alternative is to try and find out the system language of the Windows system running SQL Server, then use the "Localized Service Names" table to find the localized service account name, and use that to create a working CREATE LOGIN statement.

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MarnixKlooster ReinstateMonica Avatar answered Apr 19 '23 10:04

MarnixKlooster ReinstateMonica

This works for me on SQL Server 2008R2:

IF (SELECT COUNT(*)  FROM sys.server_principals WHERE sid=0x010100000000000514000000)=0  
        DECLARE @cmd VARCHAR(200)
        SET @cmd = N'CREATE LOGIN [' + SUSER_SNAME(0x010100000000000514000000) + '] FROM WINDOWS'
        EXEC (@cmd)
        PRINT 'Created network service server login from SID'
        PRINT 'Network service account found from SID, server login not created'

Can anybody verify this on a non-English Windows - German, Italian?

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Jan Brogger Avatar answered Apr 19 '23 10:04

Jan Brogger