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Search column in SQL database ignoring special characters

Does anybody know if it's possible to do a %LIKE% search against a column in a SQL Server database but get it to ignore any special characters in the column?

So, for example if I have a column called "songs" and they contain the following...

Black Or White

No Sleep 'till Brooklyn

The Ship Song

Papa Don't Preach

If the user searches for "no sleey till brooklyn" then I would like it to return a match even though they forgot to include the apostrophe. I would also like it to return the 4th row if they search for "SOUL". I'm sure you get the idea....

Any help would really be appreciated.

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jonhobbs Avatar asked Feb 03 '23 10:02


2 Answers

I would look into using a Full Text Index and then you can use the power of FREETEXT and CONTAINS to do your search.

EDIT: I would still look into refining the Full Text Index searching, however, to follow on from another answer, this is an option using REPLACE.

    REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(Artist, '#',''), '*', ''), '"', '') LIKE '%Keywords%'
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Robin Day Avatar answered Feb 05 '23 23:02

Robin Day

You will have various characters to remove. Single quotes, double quotes, hyphens, dots, commas, etc.

You can use Regular expressions in your where clause and do a match on the clean value. Read more about regex within SQL here.

As for the art where you want to return the 4th row for SOUL.. you will need a a data structure to tag songs and you will have to search on the tags for the match. I'm afraid we will need more details on your data structure for that.

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Raj More Avatar answered Feb 05 '23 22:02

Raj More