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How to create a Rust struct with string members?




I want the members to be owned by the struct. Sorry for the simple question, but I wasn't able to find an example. I'm looking for the correct declaration of a struct and instantiation examples.

like image 572
vladimir Avatar asked Sep 09 '14 23:09


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1 Answers

If the string has to be owned by the struct, then you should use String. Alternatively, you could use an &str with a static lifetime (i.e., the lifetime of the program). For example:

struct Foo {     bar: String,     baz: &'static str, }  fn main() {     let foo = Foo {         bar: "bar".to_string(),         baz: "baz",     };     println!("{}, {}", foo.bar, foo.baz); } 

If the lifetime of the string is unknown, then you can parameterize Foo with a lifetime:

struct Foo<'a> {     baz: &'a str, } 

See also:

  • What are the differences between Rust's `String` and `str`?

If you're not sure whether the string will be owned or not (useful for avoiding allocations), then you can use borrow::Cow:

use std::borrow::Cow;  struct Foo<'a> {     baz: Cow<'a, str>, }  fn main() {     let foo1 = Foo {         baz: Cow::Borrowed("baz"),     };     let foo2 = Foo {         baz: Cow::Owned("baz".to_string()),     };     println!("{}, {}", foo1.baz, foo2.baz); } 

Note that the Cow type is parameterized over a lifetime. The lifetime refers to the lifetime of the borrowed string (i.e., when it is a Borrowed). If you have a Cow, then you can use borrow and get a &'a str, with which you can do normal string operations without worrying about whether to allocate a new string or not. Typically, explicit calling of borrow isn't required because of deref coercions. Namely, Cow values will dereference to their borrowed form automatically, so &*val where val has type Cow<'a, str> will produce a &str.

like image 184
BurntSushi5 Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 21:09
