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How to create a gwt composite component with children using uibinder?





I would like to create a component to decorate its children, such as:


<g:FlowPanel addStyleNames="myStyle">
    <!-- how can i render children ? -->

and then others can use:

    <g:Label>Decorated child</g:Label>

How can i render the children in uibinder? (or in Java, if i must)

like image 482
Julio Faerman Avatar asked Nov 13 '10 23:11

Julio Faerman

2 Answers

Let MyComponent implement the HasWidgets interface for adding/removing child widgets.

The MyComponent.ui.xml looks as simple as

<g:FlowPanel ui:field="main" />

while you delegate the methods specified ind HasWidgets to the FlowPanel:

public class MyComponent extends Composite implements HasWidgets {

    private static MyComponentUiBinder uiBinder = GWT.create(MyComponentUiBinder.class);

    interface MyComponentUiBinder extends UiBinder<Widget, MyComponent> {}

    FlowPanel main;

    public MyComponent() {

    public void add(Widget w) {

    public void clear() {

    public Iterator<Widget> iterator() {
        return main.iterator();

    public boolean remove(Widget w) {
        return main.remove(w);


    <g:Label text="some text" />

will work this way.

like image 163
z00bs Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 04:10


Using this XML:

    <g:Label>Decorated child</g:Label> 

will instantiate MyComponent and then call MyComponent.add(label). All you have to do is override .add(..) in your class MyComponent and apply any styles that you want to passed components.

like image 1
Peter Knego Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 02:10

Peter Knego