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How to create a git project from an existing maven project in Eclipse?





I have a local maven project. Now I want to put it into a git repository. I think I first need to create a local git project and then push all to the remote repository. Is there a way to do this in Eclipse? I have the egit plugin in Eclipse.

Tried the following step:

1) Create a local new Git repository and add it to this view
2) There are 3 options:
   * Import Maven Proejcts
   * Import existing proejcts
   * Import as a general project

None of these seem works. This should be a very typical use case. First, you create a maven locally, without git. At some point, you want to put it into a git repository and collaborate with others. How to achieve this?

like image 969
user697911 Avatar asked Dec 11 '22 22:12


1 Answers

Right clicking the project, Team, Share project… allows you to initialize a Git repository for your project.

like image 70
siegi Avatar answered Feb 13 '23 04:02
