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How to count setof / number of keys of JSON in postgresql?

I have a column in jsonb storing a map, like {'a':1,'b':2,'c':3} where the number of keys is different in each row.

I want to count it -- jsonb_object_keys can retrieve the keys but it is in setof

Are there something like this?

(select count(jsonb_object_keys(obj) from XXX )

(this won't work as ERROR: set-valued function called in context that cannot accept a set)

Postgres JSON Functions and Operators Document


setof text  Returns set of keys in the outermost JSON object.
json_object_keys('{"f1":"abc","f2":{"f3":"a", "f4":"b"}}')  


Crosstab isn't feasible as the number of key could be large.

like image 833
vincentlcy Avatar asked Mar 23 '16 07:03


People also ask

How do I count the number of keys in JSON?

To count the number key/value pairs in a JSON object we need to convert an array. And then we can easily count the number of element in the array which is same as the number key value pairs in the json object. Object.

How do I query JSON data in PostgreSQL?

Querying the JSON documentPostgreSQL has two native operators -> and ->> to query JSON documents. The first operator -> returns a JSON object, while the operator ->> returns text. These operators work on both JSON as well as JSONB columns. There are additional operators available for JSONB columns.

What is Jsonb in Postgres?

JSONB stands for “JSON Binary” or “JSON better” depending on whom you ask. It is a decomposed binary format to store JSON. JSONB supports indexing the JSON data, and is very efficient at parsing and querying the JSON data. In most cases, when you work with JSON in PostgreSQL, you should be using JSONB.

What is To_jsonb?

to_jsonb(anyelement) Returns the value as json or jsonb. Arrays and composites are converted (recursively) to arrays and objects; otherwise, if there is a cast from the type to json, the cast function will be used to perform the conversion; otherwise, a scalar value is produced.

2 Answers


SELECT count(*) FROM jsonb_object_keys('{"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3}'::jsonb);

Returns 3

If you want all json number of keys from a table, it gives:

SELECT (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM json_object_keys(myJsonField)) nbr_keys FROM myTable;
like image 98
Le Droid Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 13:10

Le Droid

You could convert keys to array and use array_length to get this:

select array_length(array_agg(A.key), 1) from (
    select json_object_keys('{"f1":"abc","f2":{"f3":"a", "f4":"b"}}') as key
) A;

If you need to get this for the whole table, you can just group by primary key.

like image 34
hruske Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 14:10
