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How to correctly implement the mapping protocol in Python?



I'm using python-spidermonkey, which internally uses PyMapping_Check to identify if the object being used as a global (in rt.new_context(global)) implements the mapping protocol. (This is basically a dictionary passed to python-spidermonkey so that javascript has limited access to python variables.)

There's no official definition I could find of the mapping protocol in Python, so I've been using trial and error to determine what's in it. Is there an official reference?

like image 370
Chris Avatar asked Nov 04 '13 19:11


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1 Answers

The collections.abc module defines the interfaces for things like Mapping, Sequence, and so on.

By inheriting from the abstract base classes in that module, you get default implementations of some of the methods. So to be considered a Mapping, your class definition should look something like this:

class MyMapping(collections.abc.Mapping):
    def __getitem__(self, key):
    def __iter__(self):
    def __len__(self):

Inheriting from Mapping will get you 'free' implementations of most of dict's useful methods:

  • __contains__
  • keys
  • items
  • values
  • get
  • __eq__
  • __ne__

If these default method implementations are inefficient with your custom data structure, you can always override them with your own versions.

To be considered a MutableMapping, your class's interface should look like this:

class MyMutableMapping(collections.abc.MutableMapping):
    def __getitem__(self, key):
    def __setitem__(self, key, item):
    def __delitem__(self, key):
    def __iter__(self):
    def __len__(self):

Inheriting from MutableMapping gets you 'free' definitions of all of Mapping's methods, plus:

  • pop
  • popitem
  • clear
  • update
  • setdefault

If you're 'rolling your own' from scratch and don't want to use an abstract base class, you should probably try to define all of the above methods, if you want your class to be strictly Liskov-substitutable for dict.

like image 94
Benjamin Hodgson Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 10:10

Benjamin Hodgson