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SQLAlchemy filter in_ operator

I am trying to do a simple filter operation on a query in sqlalchemy, like this:

q = session.query(Genotypes).filter(Genotypes.rsid.in_(inall))


inall is a list of strings Genotypes is mapped to a table: class Genotypes(object): pass

Genotypes.mapper = mapper(Genotypes, kg_table, properties={'rsid': getattr(kg_table.c, 'rs#')})

This seems pretty straightforward to me, but I get the following error when I execute the above query by doing q.first():

"sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError: (OperationalError) too many SQL variables u'SELECT" followed by a list of the 1M items in the inall list. But they aren't supposed to be SQL variables, just a list whose membership is the filtering criteria.

Am I doing the filtering incorrectly?

(the db is sqlite)

like image 769
user1988705 Avatar asked Apr 23 '13 00:04


2 Answers

The below workaround worked for me:

q = session.query(Genotypes).filter(Genotypes.rsid.in_(inall))
query_as_string = str(q.statement.compile(compile_kwargs={"literal_binds": True}))

This basically forces the query to compile as a string before execution, which bypasses the whole variables issue. Some details on this are available in SQLAlchemy's docs here.

BTW, if you're not using SQLite you can make use of the ANY operator to pass the list object as a single parameter (see my answer to this question here).

like image 37
Ido S Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 02:10

Ido S

If the table where you are getting your rsids from is available in the same database I'd use a subquery to pass them into your Genotypes query rather than passing the one million entries around in your Python code.

sq = session.query(RSID_Source).subquery()
q = session.query(Genotypes).filter(Genotypes.rsid.in_(sq))

The issue is that in order to pass that list to SQLite (or any database, really), SQLAlchemy has to pass over each entry for your in clause as a variable. The SQL translates roughly to:

-- Not valid SQLite SQL
SET @Param1 = ?;
SET @Param2 = ?;
-- snip 999,998 more

SELECT field1, field2, -- etc.
FROM Genotypes G
WHERE G.rsid IN (@Param1, @Param2, /* snip */)
like image 138
Sean Vieira Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 03:10

Sean Vieira