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How to correctly escape "%" sign when using pattern rules and patsubst in GNU make?

I have a makefile like the following:

    @echo building m1

    @echo building m1_

    @echo building m2

    @echo building m2_

m3_DEPS = m2 m1

SUBSTITUTE=$(patsubst %,%_,$($@_DEPS))

%:  $$(patsubst \%,\%_,$$($$@_DEPS))
    @echo Building $@
    @echo Dependencies are $^

The key line is

%:  $$(patsubst \%,\%_,$$($$@_DEPS))

I am using both a pattern rule and patsubst, which itself uses percentage signs. I thought I could escape the % character with a \, but I am still not getting the expected behaviour. Running "make m3" gives the output

building m2
building m1
Building m3
Dependencies are m2 m1

However, I expect to get

building m2_
building m1_
Building m3
Dependencies are m2_ m1_

Commenting out that line and calling patsubst indirectly through a variable does in fact produce that output.

SUBSTITUTE=$(patsubst %,%_,$($@_DEPS))


Also, I have tested that using a non-pattern rule works, which makes me think it is something to do with the interaction of pattern rules and percentage signs:

m3:  $$(patsubst %,%_,$$($$@_DEPS))
like image 241
Gavin Smith Avatar asked Oct 07 '13 19:10

Gavin Smith

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2 Answers

\ in makefile context is for line continuation, not for "escaping". To escape things you hide them in a variable:


The idea is, at the time a makefile fragment is parsed where the escaped character is meaningful, you escape it.

So, in your situation, you have to use $$(PERCENT):

$$(patsubst $$(PERCENT),$$(PERCENT)_,$$($$@_DEPS))

like image 117
Mark Galeck Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 15:10

Mark Galeck

I don't know of a way to hide '%' from the pattern rule, but in this case you can work around it:

%: $$(addsuffix _,$$($$*_DEPS))
    @echo Building $@
    @echo Dependencies are $^
like image 1
Beta Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 14:10
