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How to copy one PNG from other PNG?

My application needs a lot of PNGs and I often mess up my code while trying to work with them. To make my life easier I made one big PNG image in Realword Paint and pasted all those small PNG images on to it. Now I have one file instead. Now all I need is to copy one PNG on to other with transparency (btw don't ask why), because I need to work with each image induvidually. I am bad programmer when it comes to working with images. I am using Delphi 7.


procedure TPngObject.Resize(const CX, CY: Integer);
  function Min(const A, B: Integer): Integer;
    if A < B then Result := A else Result := B;
  Header: TChunkIHDR;
  Line, NewBytesPerRow: Integer;
  NewHandle: HBitmap;
  NewDC: HDC;
  NewImageData: Pointer;
  NewImageAlpha: Pointer;
  NewImageExtra: Pointer;
  if (CX > 0) and (CY > 0) then
    {Gets some actual information}
    Header := Self.Header;

    {Creates the new image}
    NewDC := CreateCompatibleDC(Header.ImageDC);
    Header.BitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biWidth := cx;
    Header.BitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biHeight := cy;
    NewHandle := CreateDIBSection(NewDC, pBitmapInfo(@Header.BitmapInfo)^,
      DIB_RGB_COLORS, NewImageData, 0, 0);
    SelectObject(NewDC, NewHandle);
    {$IFDEF UseDelphi}Canvas.Handle := NewDC;{$ENDIF}
    NewBytesPerRow := (((Header.BitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biBitCount * cx) + 31)
      and not 31) div 8;

    {Copies the image data}
    for Line := 0 to Min(CY - 1, Height - 1) do
      CopyMemory(Ptr(Longint(NewImageData) + (Longint(CY) - 1) *
      NewBytesPerRow - (Line * NewBytesPerRow)), Scanline[Line],
      Min(NewBytesPerRow, Header.BytesPerRow));

    {Build array for alpha information, if necessary}
    if (Header.ColorType = COLOR_RGBALPHA) or
      (Header.ColorType = COLOR_GRAYSCALEALPHA) then
      GetMem(NewImageAlpha, CX * CY);
      Fillchar(NewImageAlpha^, CX * CY, 255);
      for Line := 0 to Min(CY - 1, Height - 1) do
        CopyMemory(Ptr(Longint(NewImageAlpha) + (Line * CX)),
        AlphaScanline[Line], Min(CX, Width));
      Header.ImageAlpha := NewImageAlpha;

    {$IFDEF Store16bits}
    if (Header.BitDepth = 16) then
      GetMem(NewImageExtra, CX * CY);
      Fillchar(NewImageExtra^, CX * CY, 0);
      for Line := 0 to Min(CY - 1, Height - 1) do
        CopyMemory(Ptr(Longint(NewImageExtra) + (Line * CX)),
        ExtraScanline[Line], Min(CX, Width));
      Header.ExtraImageData := NewImageExtra;

    {Deletes the old image}

    {Prepares the header to get the new image}
    Header.BytesPerRow := NewBytesPerRow;
    Header.IHDRData.Width := CX;
    Header.IHDRData.Height := CY;
    Header.ImageData := NewImageData;

    {Replaces with the new image}
    Header.ImageHandle := NewHandle;
    Header.ImageDC := NewDC;
    {The new size provided is invalid}
    RaiseError(EPNGInvalidNewSize, EInvalidNewSize)


SmoothResize by Gustavo Daud

procedure SmoothResize(apng:tpngobject; NuWidth,NuHeight:integer);
  xscale, yscale         : Single;
  sfrom_y, sfrom_x       : Single;
  ifrom_y, ifrom_x       : Integer;
  to_y, to_x             : Integer;
  weight_x, weight_y     : array[0..1] of Single;
  weight                 : Single;
  new_red, new_green     : Integer;
  new_blue, new_alpha    : Integer;
  new_colortype          : Integer;
  total_red, total_green : Single;
  total_blue, total_alpha: Single;
  IsAlpha                : Boolean;
  ix, iy                 : Integer;
  bTmp : TPNGObject;
  sli, slo : pRGBLine;
  ali, alo: pbytearray;
  if not (apng.Header.ColorType in [COLOR_RGBALPHA, COLOR_RGB]) then
    raise Exception.Create('Only COLOR_RGBALPHA and COLOR_RGB formats' +
    ' are supported');
  IsAlpha := apng.Header.ColorType in [COLOR_RGBALPHA];
  if IsAlpha then new_colortype := COLOR_RGBALPHA else
    new_colortype := COLOR_RGB;
  bTmp := Tpngobject.CreateBlank(new_colortype, 8, NuWidth, NuHeight);
  xscale := bTmp.Width / (apng.Width-1);
  yscale := bTmp.Height / (apng.Height-1);
  for to_y := 0 to bTmp.Height-1 do begin
    sfrom_y := to_y / yscale;
    ifrom_y := Trunc(sfrom_y);
    weight_y[1] := sfrom_y - ifrom_y;
    weight_y[0] := 1 - weight_y[1];
    for to_x := 0 to bTmp.Width-1 do begin
      sfrom_x := to_x / xscale;
      ifrom_x := Trunc(sfrom_x);
      weight_x[1] := sfrom_x - ifrom_x;
      weight_x[0] := 1 - weight_x[1];

      total_red   := 0.0;
      total_green := 0.0;
      total_blue  := 0.0;
      total_alpha  := 0.0;
      for ix := 0 to 1 do begin
        for iy := 0 to 1 do begin
          sli := apng.Scanline[ifrom_y + iy];
          if IsAlpha then ali := apng.AlphaScanline[ifrom_y + iy];
          new_red := sli[ifrom_x + ix].rgbtRed;
          new_green := sli[ifrom_x + ix].rgbtGreen;
          new_blue := sli[ifrom_x + ix].rgbtBlue;
          if IsAlpha then new_alpha := ali[ifrom_x + ix];
          weight := weight_x[ix] * weight_y[iy];
          total_red   := total_red   + new_red   * weight;
          total_green := total_green + new_green * weight;
          total_blue  := total_blue  + new_blue  * weight;
          if IsAlpha then total_alpha  := total_alpha  + new_alpha  * weight;
      slo := bTmp.ScanLine[to_y];
      if IsAlpha then alo := bTmp.AlphaScanLine[to_y];
      slo[to_x].rgbtRed := Round(total_red);
      slo[to_x].rgbtGreen := Round(total_green);
      slo[to_x].rgbtBlue := Round(total_blue);
      if isAlpha then alo[to_x] := Round(total_alpha);

Thanks a lot, Have a nice day!

like image 986
Little Helper Avatar asked Apr 30 '12 07:04

Little Helper

People also ask

Can you separate a PNG file?

❓ How can I split PNG document? First, you need to add a file for split: drag & drop your PNG file or click inside the white area for choose a file. Then click the 'Split' button. When split PNG document is completed, you can download your result files.

Can a PNG file have multiple images?

PNG itself is strictly a single-image format. However, it may be necessary to store multiple images within one file; for example, this is needed to convert some GIF files.

1 Answers

Here is another version (It works very fast):

procedure CropPNG(Source: TPNGObject; Left, Top, Width, Height: Integer;
  out Target: TPNGObject);
  IsAlpha: Boolean;
  Line: Integer;
  if (Source.Width < (Left + Width)) or (Source.Height < (Top + Height)) then
    raise Exception.Create('Invalid position/size');

  Target := TPNGObject.CreateBlank(Source.Header.ColorType, 
    Source.Header.BitDepth, Width, Height);
  IsAlpha := Source.Header.ColorType in [COLOR_GRAYSCALEALPHA, COLOR_RGBALPHA];
  for Line := 0 to Target.Height - 1 do
    if IsAlpha then
        Ptr(LongInt(Source.AlphaScanline[Line + Top]) + LongInt(Left)), 
      Ptr(LongInt(Source.Scanline[Line + Top]) + LongInt(Left * 3)), 
      Target.Width * 3);

Note: The above code is compatible with the newer pngimage Version 1.56+ (which supports the CreateBlank constructor)

like image 62
kobik Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 15:09
