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How to copy matplotlib figure?

I have FigureCanvasWxAgg instance with a figure displayed on a frame. If user clicks on the canvas another frame with a new FigureCanvasWxAgg containing the same figure will be shown. By now closing the new frame can result in destroying the C++ part of the figure so that it won't be available for the first frame.

How can I save the figure? Python deepcopy from copy module does't work in this case.

Thanks in advance.

like image 643
Alex Avatar asked Mar 25 '10 07:03


1 Answers

I'm not familiar with the inner workings, but could easily imagine how disposing of a frame damages the figure data. Is it expensive to draw? Otherwise I'd take the somewhat chickenish approach of simply redrawing it ;)

like image 75
Nicolas78 Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 15:10
