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How to copy first few lines of a large file in hadoop to a new file?



I have one big file in hdfs bigfile.txt. I want to copy the first 100 lines of it into a new file on hdfs. I tried the following command:

hadoop fs -cat /user/billk/bigfile.txt |head -100 /home/billk/sample.txt

It gave me a "cat: unable to write output stream" error. I am on hadoop 1.

Are there other ways to do this? (note: copying 1st 100 line to local or another file on hdfs is OK)

like image 401
Rolando Avatar asked Apr 04 '14 01:04


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1 Answers

Like this -

hadoop fs -cat /user/billk/bigfile.txt | head -100 | hadoop -put - /home/billk/sample.txt

I believe the "cat: unable to write output stream" is just because head closed the stream after it read its limit. see this answer about head for hdfs - https://stackoverflow.com/a/19779388/3438870

like image 119
Scott Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 04:10
