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How to copy an UIImage?




I have an UIImageView with an UIImage. I want to assign a copy of these picture to two variables. Based on what the user is doing the image should be manipulated. The problem is, the image is the same in each variables. I guess, because they are passed by reference.

let image1 = imageView.image!
let image2 = imageView.image!

How do I get two separate copies of this image?

What I want to achieve: Just crop the one image, keep the other like the original.

let imageLeft = googleImageView.image!
let imageRef = CGImageCreateCopy(googleImageView.image!.CGImage)
let imageRight = UIImage(CGImage: imageRef!, scale: googleImageView.image!.scale, orientation: googleImageView.image!.imageOrientation)

if translation.x < 0 {
    let scale = imageLeft.scale
    let newRect = CGRectMake(0, 0, (imageLeft.size.width + translation.x) * scale, imageLeft.size.height * scale)
    let imageRef = CGImageCreateWithImageInRect(imageLeft.CGImage, newRect)
    if let croppedImage = imageRef {
        googleImageView.image = UIImage(CGImage: croppedImage, scale: scale, orientation: imageLeft.imageOrientation)
print("left image: \(imageLeft) right image \(imageRight)")

The code above prints to the console:

left image: <UIImage: 0x7fd020dca070>, {111, 167} 
right image <UIImage: 0x7fd020dda430>, {111, 167}
left image: <UIImage: 0x7fd020df9ba0>, {110, 167} 
right image <UIImage: 0x7fd020d45670>, {110, 167}

... and so on. So, BOTH images gets a new size. Only the left Image should get cropped.

like image 284
heikomania Avatar asked Jun 30 '15 05:06


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1 Answers

As @Aggressor suggested you can copy your image from imageView this way:

let newCgIm = CGImageCreateCopy(imageView.image?.CGImage)
let newImage = UIImage(CGImage: newCgIm, scale: imageView.image!.scale, orientation: imageView.image!.imageOrientation)
like image 159
Dharmesh Kheni Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 10:10

Dharmesh Kheni