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Xcode: LLVM 7.0: Disable warning "Umbrella header for module does not include header"

In order for my Objective-C framework to link successfully in my Swift cocoa touch framework, I had to use this unpretty workaround, which involves importing all framework headers into the project as public headers.

I totally don't need all of them appearing in my umbrella header, so I want to somehow remove the bunch of warnings generated. ("Umbrella header for module 'Foo' does not include header"). I went through LLVM warning settings in the build settings, but could not found it.

like image 799
ambientlight Avatar asked Jul 20 '15 03:07


1 Answers

If you're getting this warning from a “Compile Swift source files” ▸ “Precompile bridging header” build step (also labeled PrecompileSwiftBridgingHeader), here's how you suppress it:

  1. Find the Build Settings for your project.
  2. Search for “Other Swift Flags”.
  3. Add -Xcc and -Wno-incomplete-umbrella to “Other Swift Flags” (in that order).

Xcode build settings

like image 86
rob mayoff Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 20:09

rob mayoff