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How to copy a word and paste it over another word in Vim?



I know how to copy a word, but I seem to overwrite what is in my clipboard because, when I try to copy over a word, it does not seem to be working.

To copy a word, I can use


How to copy over a word?

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codecompleting Avatar asked Oct 17 '11 17:10


People also ask

How do I copy text and paste outside in Vim?

To copy selected text to system clipboard type "+y in Normal Mode. Now you can paste it anywhere else using Ctrl-v . To copy text from outside applications into Vim editor, first copy the text using the usual Ctrl-C command then go to Vim editor and type "+p in Normal Mode.

2 Answers

Perhaps you just want to do this:


which will visually select a new word, and paste over it.

Now, if you don't want to lose your register when doing this, you can also put in your vimrc:

xnoremap p pgvy
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Benoit Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 22:10


Copy the source word as usual (e.g., with yiw) and use


to paste over the destination word.

Since the p command in Visual mode (see :help v_p) does not alter the numbered register 0 containing the text from the most recent yank command, the same copied word can be pasted over and over again.

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ib. Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 23:10
