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How to convert/parse from String to char in java?

People also ask

How do you convert parseInt to string?

We can convert int to String in java using String. valueOf() and Integer. toString() methods. Alternatively, we can use String.

Can we convert a string to character array in java?

The java string toCharArray() method converts this string into character array. It returns a newly created character array, its length is similar to this string and its contents are initialized with the characters of this string.

Which method can be used to convert all characters in a string into a character array?

Using toCharArray() method Convert the String to character array using the toCharArray() method and store it in the above created empty array.

How do you parse a string in java?

String parsing in java can be done by using a wrapper class. Using the Split method, a String can be converted to an array by passing the delimiter to the split method. The split method is one of the methods of the wrapper class. String parsing can also be done through StringTokenizer.

If your string contains exactly one character the simplest way to convert it to a character is probably to call the charAt method:

char c = s.charAt(0);

You can use the .charAt(int) function with Strings to retrieve the char value at any index. If you want to convert the String to a char array, try calling .toCharArray() on the String.

String g = "line";
char c = g.charAt(0);  // returns 'l'
char[] c_arr = g.toCharArray(); // returns a length 4 char array ['l','i','n','e']

you can use this trick :

String s = "p";

char c = s.charAt(0);

If the string is 1 character long, just take that character. If the string is not 1 character long, it cannot be parsed into a character.

I found this useful:

double  --> Double.parseDouble(String);
float   --> Float.parseFloat(String);
long    --> Long.parseLong(String);
int     --> Integer.parseInt(String);
char    --> stringGoesHere.charAt(int position);
short   --> Short.parseShort(String);
byte    --> Byte.parseByte(String);
boolean --> Boolean.parseBoolean(String);