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How to Convert the value in DataTable into a string array in c#





I have a DataTable that contains a single row. I want to convert this DataTable values into a string array such that i can access the column values of that DataTable through the string array index For example, if my DataTable is as follows

|  Name  |  Address  |   Age  |
|  jim   |    USA    |   23   |

I want to store the values in that Datatable into my string array such that MyStringArray[1] will give me the value USA.

Thanks in Advance

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user2047452 Avatar asked Mar 18 '13 21:03


2 Answers

Perhaps something like this, assuming that there are many of these rows inside of the datatable and that each row is row:

List<string[]> MyStringArrays = new List<string[]>();
foreach( var row in datatable.rows )//or similar
 MyStringArrays.Add( new string[]{row.Name,row.Address,row.Age.ToString()} );

You could then access one:


If you use linqpad, here is a very simple scenario of your example:

class Datatable
 public List<data> rows { get; set; }
 public Datatable(){
  rows = new List<data>();

class data
 public string Name { get; set; }
 public string Address { get; set; }
 public int Age { get; set; }

void Main()
 var datatable = new Datatable();
 var r = new data();
 r.Name = "Jim";
 r.Address = "USA";
 r.Age = 23;
 List<string[]> MyStringArrays = new List<string[]>();
 foreach( var row in datatable.rows )//or similar
  MyStringArrays.Add( new string[]{row.Name,row.Address,row.Age.ToString()} );
 var s = MyStringArrays.ElementAt(0)[1];
like image 160
Travis J Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 05:09

Travis J

Very easy:

var stringArr = dataTable.Rows[0].ItemArray.Select(x => x.ToString()).ToArray();

Where DataRow.ItemArray property is an array of objects containing the values of the row for each columns of the data table.

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digEmAll Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 05:09
