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How to Convert Query Result to JSON Object Inside Postgres

I have a simple query, SELECT name, grp FROM things; that results in the following table:

 name | grp 
 a    | y
 b    | x
 c    | x
 d    | z
 e    | z
 f    | z

I would like to end up with the following single JSON object:

 {y: [a], x: [b,c], z: [d,e,f]}

I feel like I'm closer with the query SELECT grp, array_agg(name) as names FROM things GROUP BY grp; which gives three rows with the "name" condensed into an array, but I don't know where to go from here to get the rows condensed into a single JSON object.

SELECT json_build_object(grp, array_agg(name)) as objects FROM things GROUP BY grp; is maybe slightly closer since that results in a single column result of individual JSON objects like {y: [a]}, but they are still individual objects, so that might not be the right path to go down.

This is using Postgresql 9.4.

like image 344
azdle Avatar asked Jun 04 '15 18:06


People also ask

How do I return a JSON object in PostgreSQL?

The simplest way to return JSON is with row_to_json() function. It accepts a row value and returns a JSON value. select row_to_json(words) from words; This will return a single column per row in the words table.

Which function converts a table row to JSON in PostgreSQL?

In PostgreSQL row_to_json function is using to convert multiple rows to json in a table data. PostgreSQL 9.2 and above supports for generating JSON using function row_to_json. row_to_json function returns each of the rows as JSON object.

Can Postgres query JSON?

PostgreSQL supports native JSON data type since version 9.2. It provides many functions and operators for manipulating JSON data.

1 Answers

It seems the key here is the json_object_agg function which is not listed with the rest of the json functions.

See: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.4/static/functions-aggregate.html

The following query gets me exactly what I'm looking for:

SELECT json_object_agg(each.grp, each.names) FROM (
    SELECT grp, array_agg(name) as names FROM things GROUP BY grp
) AS each;
like image 198
azdle Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 04:10
