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How to convert JSON object to JavaScript array?

I need to convert JSON object string to a JavaScript array.

This my JSON object:


And I want to have:

var data = new google.visualization.DataTable(); data.addColumn('string', 'Topping'); data.addColumn('number', 'Slices');  data.addRows([     ['2013-01-21', 1],     ['2013-01-22', 7] ]); 

How can I achieve this?

like image 206
user1960311 Avatar asked Jan 25 '13 18:01


People also ask

Can we convert JSON to array?

Convert JSON to Array Using `json. The parse() function takes the argument of the JSON source and converts it to the JSON format, because most of the time when you fetch the data from the server the format of the response is the string. Make sure that it has a string value coming from a server or the local source.

Can JSON be converted to JavaScript?

JSON text/object can be converted into Javascript object using the function JSON. parse(). If we pass a invalid JSON text to the function JSON. parse(), it will generate error (no output is displayed when using in tag of HTML).

How do you turn an object into an array?

To convert an object to an array you use one of three methods: Object. keys() , Object. values() , and Object. entries() .

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String value = (String) jsonObject. get("key_name"); Just like other element retrieve the json array using the get() method into the JSONArray object.

1 Answers

var json_data = {"2013-01-21":1,"2013-01-22":7}; var result = [];  for(var i in json_data)     result.push([i, json_data [i]]);   var data = new google.visualization.DataTable(); data.addColumn('string', 'Topping'); data.addColumn('number', 'Slices'); data.addRows(result); 


like image 199
salexch Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 06:10
