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How to convert infix to postfix in erlang?



I just came across this post,it's quite elegant.

But it's not taking into account the priority of different operators.

e.g. * has higher priority than +.

So 1+2*(3+2) should be converted to 1 2 3 2 + * +

How to do it in erlang taking the priority issue into account?

like image 1000
Je Rog Avatar asked Nov 04 '22 15:11

Je Rog

1 Answers

Here is a way to do it which abuses the built-in parser for Erlang terms. You could write your own parser via yecc or recursive descent, but for the simplicity, I'll stick with the Erlang-parser.


Declare a module, export everything from it. This is bad form if you want to use this. Rather minimize the export to p/1.

 parse(Str) ->    
     {ok, Tokens, _} = erl_scan:string(Str ++ "."),
     {ok, [E]} = erl_parse:parse_exprs(Tokens),

This function abuses the Erlang parser so we can get a parse tree of Erlang tokens.

 rpn({op, _, What, LS, RS}) ->
     io:format(" ~s ", [atom_to_list(What)]);
 rpn({integer, _, N}) ->
     io:format(" ~B ", [N]).

RPN output is to do a post-order tree-walk traversal. So we basically walk the Left hand and right hand side of the tree and then output ourselves as a node. The order of "parenthesis" is stored abstractly in the tree itself. The priority is handled by the Erlang parser. You could easily do this via a recursive descent parser if you want. But that is a different question to the point of "How do I write parsers in Erlang?" The answer is twofold: Either you use leex+yecc or you use a parser based upon parser combinators and/or recursive descent. Especially for a grammar this simple.

 p(Str) ->
      Tree = parse(Str),

This is just formatting.

like image 80
I GIVE CRAP ANSWERS Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 17:11