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How to convert from a list of lists to a list in R retaining names?



If I have a list of lists of character vectors:

 l1 <- list(a=list(x=c(1,4,4),y=c(24,44)),

 > l1
 [1] 1 4 4

 [1] 24 44

How can I convert this into a single flat list retaining names?

 > wantedList
 [1] 1 4 4

 [1] 24 44
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user1447630 Avatar asked May 20 '13 19:05


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1 Answers


unlist(l1, recursive=FALSE)

## > unlist(l1, recursive=FALSE)
## $a.x
## [1] 1 4 4
## $a.y
## [1] 24 44
## $b.x
## [1] 12  3
## $c.x
## [1]  3 41
## $c.y
## [1] 3214  432
## $c.z
## [1] 31  4  5  1 45
like image 51
Tyler Rinker Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 01:11

Tyler Rinker