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How to convert date to the closest weekend (Saturday)

I have a data frame with Date in the "%d-%m-%Y" format and have the week number. The dates are weekdays and I want the the Saturday for that week in another column.

I had initially check whether the date is a weekday or weekend using function in the Chron package but that was a Boolean validation. I had formatted the date variable to Date format and extracted the week number for each date.

df = data.frame(date=c("2014-08-20", "2014-08-25", "2014-10-08")) 

The expected result should be:

date        week    EOW  
2014-08-20   34   2014-08-23

2014-08-25   34   2014-08-30

2014-10-08   41   2014-10-11
like image 729
Ami Avatar asked Jan 30 '19 09:01


People also ask

How do you calculate Saturday in Excel?

The WEEKDAY(Date) function will return a number from 1 to 7 depending on what day of the week the date is. What is this? To find the weekend we need to test if WEEKDAY(Date) equals 1 or 7 which means either a Saturday or a Sunday. WEEKDAY(Date)={1,7} has three possible outcomes.

How do I convert dates to weekdays?

Please do as follows: In a blank cell, please enter the formula =CHOOSE(WEEKDAY(B1),"Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat"), and press the Enter key. This formula will convert the date to the day of week as below screenshot shown.

How do you get next Saturday in Python?

I use (12 - d. weekday()) % 7 to compute the delta in days between given day and next Saturday because weekday is between 0 (Monday) and 6 (Sunday), so Saturday is 5.

1 Answers

Base R option. First create a list of all days, then match it with weekdays and subtract it from 6 (as we want Saturday) to get how many days we need to add in the original date column.

all_days <- c("Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday","Sunday")

#As @nicola mentioned this is locale dependent
#If your locale is not English you need weekdays in your current locale
#which you can manually write as shown above or do any one of the following

#all_days <- weekdays(seq(as.Date("2019-01-14"),by="day",length.out=7))
#all_days <- format(seq(as.Date("2019-01-14"),by="day",length.out=7), "%A")

df$EOW <- df$date + 6 - match(weekdays(df$date), all_days)

#        date week        EOW
#1 2014-08-20   34 2014-08-23
#2 2014-08-25   34 2014-08-30
#3 2014-10-08   41 2014-10-11

Or lubridate has a function ceiling_date which when used with unit = "week" would return you the next "Sunday" so we subtract 1 day from it to get "Saturday" instead.

df$EOW <- ceiling_date(df$date, unit = "week") - 1
like image 156
Ronak Shah Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 23:10

Ronak Shah