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How to convert CvMat* to cv::Mat in OpenCV3.0




In opencv2.4.10 which I used before, conversion from CvMat* to cv::Mat can be done as below.

CvMat *src = ...;
cv::Mat dst;
dst = cv::Mat(src);

However, in opencv3.0 rc1 cannot convert like this. In certain website, this conversion can be done as below.

CvMat* src = ...;
cv::Mat dst;
dst = cv::Mat(src->rows, src->cols, src->type, src->data.*);

If type of src is 'float', the last argument is 'src->data.fl'.

Why constructor of cv::Mat is decreased? Or are there some methods about conversion from CvMat* to cv::Mat?

like image 617
Toshi Avatar asked May 25 '15 02:05


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What is CV_64F?

CV_64F is the same as CV_64FC1 . So if you need just 2D matrix (i.e. single channeled) you can just use CV_64F. EDIT. More generally, type name of a Mat object consists of several parts.

2 Answers

CvMat* matrix;
Mat M0 = cvarrToMat(matrix);

OpenCV provided this function instead of Mat(matrix).

Note: In OpenCV 3.0 they wrapped up all the constructors which convert old-style structures (cvmat, IPLImage) to the new-style Mat into this function.

like image 128
hariprasad Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 22:10


In order to convert CvMat* to Mat you have to do like this:

cv::Mat dst(src->rows, src->cols, CV_64FC1, src->data.fl);
like image 29
Abc Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 22:10
