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C++11 vector of smart pointer

Suppose we have the following codes. We have following classes

  • Animal as AbstractClass
  • Dog and Bird which is subclass of Animal
  • Zoo which keeps all animals


class Animal
    void HasWings() = 0;

class Bird : public Animal
    Bird() : Animal() {}
    void HasWings() override { return true; }

class Dog : public Animal
    Dog() : Animal() {}
    void HasWings() override { return false; }

class Zoo
    Zoo() {}
    void AddAnimal(Animal* animal) { _animals.push_back(animal); }
    std::vector<Animal*> _animals;

void myTest()
    Zoo myZoo;
    Bird* bird = new Bird();
    Dog* dog = new Dog();


    for (auto animal : myZoo._animals)

I hope to replace vector of pointers by vector of smart pointers. i.e,

std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Animal>> _animals;

How do we change the code for Zoo and myTest? I find difficulty on updating the code, especially the method "AddAnimal" in Zoo class

auto bird = std::make_shared<Bird>();
auto dog = std::make_shared<Dog>();

bird and dog are different type

like image 475
user2434918 Avatar asked Feb 26 '15 02:02


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1 Answers

The behaviour of std::shared_ptr is very similar to that of a raw pointer with respect to the * and -> operators (in fact, the dereferencing operators are "forwarded" to the internal raw pointer stored by the std::shared_ptr). In particular, you can use a std::shared_ptr to a base class for virtual dispatching along a class hierarchy. For example, the code below does exactly what one assumes, namely calls the appropriate function at runtime:

#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>

struct Base
    virtual void f() { std::cout << "Base::f()" << std::endl;}
    virtual ~Base() = default; // to silence -Wall warnings

struct Derived: Base
    void f() override { std::cout << "Derived::f()" << std::endl;}

int main()
    std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Base>> vsp; // access Derived via shared_ptr to Base

    auto base = std::make_shared<Base>();
    auto derived = std::make_shared<Derived>();


    for(auto&& elem: vsp)
        elem->f(); // virtual dispatch

So, most of the time, it is enough to replace Animal* with std::shared_ptr<Animal>, and the code will just work. Things are a bit more complicated with std::unique_ptr, as the latter is a move-only type (you cannot copy it), so one must be more careful.

like image 110
vsoftco Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 23:10
