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How to construct a WebSocket URI relative to the page URI?

I want to construct a WebSocket URI relative to the page URI at the browser side. Say, in my case convert HTTP URIs like

http://example.com:8000/path https://example.com:8000/path 


ws://example.com:8000/path/to/ws wss://example.com:8000/path/to/ws 

What I'm doing currently is replace the first 4 letters "http" by "ws", and append "/to/ws" to it. Is there any better way for that?

like image 726
neuront Avatar asked May 02 '12 02:05


People also ask

How do I create a WebSocket URL?

To open a websocket connection, we need to create new WebSocket using the special protocol ws in the url: let socket = new WebSocket("ws://javascript.info"); There's also encrypted wss:// protocol. It's like HTTPS for websockets.

What is WebSocket URI?

WebSocket URIs have the same basic format as HTTP URIs, but with a different URI scheme: ws://hostname:port/path, e.g. ws://example.com/echo or ws://example.net:8080. The path can be used to distinguish the purpose of the connection; however, some servers ignore it.

What does a WebSocket URL look like?

Creating a WebSocket object The URL to which to connect; this should be the URL to which the WebSocket server will respond. This should use the URL scheme wss:// , although some software may allow you to use the insecure ws:// for local connections. Either a single protocol string or an array of protocol strings.

How do we create a WebSocket in HTML?

Following is the API which creates a new WebSocket object. var Socket = new WebSocket(url, [protocal] ); Here first argument, url, specifies the URL to which to connect. The second attribute, protocol is optional, and if present, specifies a sub-protocol that the server must support for the connection to be successful.

1 Answers

If your Web server has support for WebSockets (or a WebSocket handler module) then you can use the same host and port and just change the scheme like you are showing. There are many options for running a Web server and Websocket server/module together.

I would suggest that you look at the individual pieces of the window.location global and join them back together instead of doing blind string substitution.

var loc = window.location, new_uri; if (loc.protocol === "https:") {     new_uri = "wss:"; } else {     new_uri = "ws:"; } new_uri += "//" + loc.host; new_uri += loc.pathname + "/to/ws"; 

Note that some web servers (i.e. Jetty based ones) currently use the path (rather than the upgrade header) to determine whether a specific request should be passed on to the WebSocket handler. So you may be limited in whether you can transform the path in the way you want.

like image 118
kanaka Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 10:10
