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How to connect storyboard to viewcontroller

In the new xcode 5 how do in interface builder you use to have a drop down menu there to connect your storyboard viewcontrollers to your classes how is this done now?

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4GetFullOf Avatar asked Oct 14 '13 22:10


People also ask

How do I connect my storyboard to SwiftUI?

Embedding the SwiftUI view into your storyboard is super simple, just follow the three steps below: Step 1: Inside your storyboard file click on the + button and drag and drop a Hosting View Controller. This View Controller is capable of hosting a SwiftUI view.

1 Answers

Unless I'm misunderstanding what you're asking, it's still there. Here are the steps to assign a custom view controller class to your view controller:

  1. Choose your view controller in the list of scenes on the left side.

Choose view controller screenshot

  1. Choose the Identify Inspector on the right side.
  2. Choose the custom view controller class from the Class list.

Choose custom view controller class screenshot

like image 82
Greg Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 05:10
