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How to configure Test Result Analyzer plugin on Jenkins

I installed Test Result Analyzer plugin in Jenkins but getting message: No build data retrieved. You may need to select a Module.

After the plugin is installed - what are my next steps to get it working?

Is it necessary to enable "Publish TestNG results" plugin?


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Ann Avatar asked Sep 13 '16 12:09


1 Answers

I have faced this problem since yesterday too. I think the problem is that test analyzer cannot find data to report. And below is what I did to solve it

  • At Jenkins dashboard, select <your project> / Configure
  • Under Post-build Actions tab, select Add post-build action and choose Publish JUnit test result report
  • At Test report XMLs, enter the path to your .xml report file, the analyzer will find data here to create charts, in my case, it's app/build/test-results/prodDebug/*.xml, you can edit the path to handle more tests.

And now, when you click Test Results Analyzer, the magic will appear xD

Good luck!

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Nhan Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 05:10
