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How to configure Notepad++ to backspace unindent

I can't seem to find where to configure this option. Backspace unindent only works when using hard tabs, but should'nt this work since it works on other Scintilla based editors (eg Scite)?

like image 787
devskii Avatar asked Oct 11 '10 12:10


People also ask

How do you backspace in Notepad ++?

Go to Edit menu, line operations and then click on "Remove Empty Lines" You get what you are trying with regular expression. Show activity on this post. Use regular expressions, in Find what:, enter \r\n and in Replace with: leave that blank.

1 Answers

The solution I've found, which works exactly like Scite's solution does, is a little plugin from Virtual Roadside named npp_tabs. Highly recommended - after three separate attempts, it's the only thing I found that worked how I wanted.

like image 60
ZorbaTHut Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 08:09
