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How to configure JVM Argument -javaagent with two jars [duplicate]

To use the spring AOP, I have to configure -javaagent:C:/spring-agent-2.5.6.jar as JVM argument. But there is a jar that is already configured i.e. -javaagent:C:/other.jar

Now how can I configure both jars with -javaagent so that both jars should work properly?

Also there may be the different approaches to configure multiple jars with -javaagent in Windows and Linux environment. Please suggest the solution for both of the environments.

like image 980
Narendra Verma Avatar asked Nov 28 '13 12:11

Narendra Verma

1 Answers

One java application may have any number of agents by using -javaagent: option any number of times. Agents are invoked in the same order as specified in options

like image 95
vladimir e. Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 05:09

vladimir e.