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Convert minutes into a human readable format

quick question.

Is there a smarter/sleeker way to convert minutes into a more readable format, showing only the most significant digit?

I'm using Android Studio's Java.

public String MinutesToHumanReadable(Long minutes) {




2 mins = "2 mins"
45 mins = "45 mins"
60 mins = ">1 hr"
85 mins = ">1 hr"
120 mins = ">2 hrs"
200 mins = ">3 hrs"
1500 mins = ">1 day"

My code is very cumbersome, sloppy, and somewhat unreadable.

public String MinutesToHumanReadable(long minutes) {
    String sReturn = "";

    if (minutes > 515600) {
        sReturn = "> 1 yr";

    } else if (minutes > 43200) {
        sReturn = (minutes / 43200) + " mths";

    } else if (minutes > 10080) {
        sReturn = (minutes / 10080) + " wks";

    } else if (minutes > 1440) {
        sReturn = (minutes / 1440) + " days";

    } else if (minutes > 60) {
        sReturn = (minutes / 60) + " hrs";

    } else {
        sReturn = minutes + " mins";


    return sReturn;

Many thanks, J

like image 975
Jammo Avatar asked Oct 28 '13 13:10


1 Answers

Well it is possible, I figure it out and I am proud of it! :) Note that you can easily add any other value without changing the method itself, only by changing values in these two arrays. For example, if "years" are not enough for you, you can add "decades" and "centuries"...

This code also adding "s" letter at the end, if you have more than 1 of output value.

public class SuperMinutesChangerClass {
    public static int[] barriers = {1, 60, 60*24, 60*24*7, 60*24*365, Integer.MAX_VALUE};
    public static String[] text = {"min", "hr", "day", "week", "year"};

    public static String minutesToHumanReadable(int minutes){
        String toReturn = "";
        for (int i = 1; i < barriers.length; i++) {
            if (minutes < barriers[i]){
                int ammount = (minutes/barriers[i-1]);
                toReturn = ">" + (ammount) + " " + text[i-1];
                if (ammount > 1){
                    toReturn += "s";
        return toReturn;

Sample input :

    public static void main(String[] args) {

Output is :

>10 mins
>1 hr
>1 hr
>2 hrs
>6 days
>19 years
like image 184
libik Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 17:09
