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How to configure a loader for a specific path in webpack



A question about webpack configure settings: in most examples, the test option in loader only checks the file name, not the full path. I have files in different directories that are the same type, but I want to use a different loader, e.g.

{     test:/aaa\/.*.html/,     loader:'loaderA' }, {     test:/bbb\/.*.html/,     loader:'loaderB' } 

Is there any way to make that work? Thanks for your attention and answers.

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Kent Wood Avatar asked May 27 '16 05:05

Kent Wood

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1 Answers

You can use include and exclude properties (docs):

{     test:/\.html$/,     include: [         path.resolve(__dirname, "app/pathA")     ],     loader: 'loaderA' }, {     test:/\.html$/,     include: [         path.resolve(__dirname, "app/pathB")     ],     loader: 'loaderB' } 

For files in folder pathA will applied loader loaderA, and for pathB - loader loaderB.

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Bob Sponge Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 15:09

Bob Sponge