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How to compile WPF program with command line?




I need to compile simple WPF application, which I have written using Visual Studio, with the command line C# compiler (i.e csc.exe).

Problem is the error CS0103 — the compiler says that there is no InitializeComponent() method in my program. But that's wrong, because I add System.Xaml.dll. Does anybody know how to solve this?

like image 818
Andrew Lawmaking Avatar asked Nov 02 '15 21:11

Andrew Lawmaking

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1 Answers

Building with MSBuild will be the easier path than with csc.exe. Get the path to the correct MSBuild (Path to MSBuild), since you can have multiple MSBuild versions on your computer, most of the time one per Visual Studio installation.

Then, simply build your project file:

msbuild YourProject.csproj /p:Configuration=Release

and the output will be in the bin/Release folder.

like image 56
Manuel Allenspach Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 20:09

Manuel Allenspach