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How to compare Laravel's hash password using a custom login form?





Can you help me with this? I am building my own login form using Laravel. But I have a problem because I stored my password using Hash method and in my login form I used hash method again to compare. But I found out that the hash value is always changing.

Here's my code in routes:

Route::post('/admin_handle_login', function()

    $rules = array(
        'admin_username'    =>  'required',
        'admin_password'    =>  'required'

    $validate_admin_login = Validator::make(Input::all(), $rules);

    if($validate_admin_login->fails()) {

        $messages = $validate_admin_login->messages();

        Session::flash('warning_notification','Error: Incomplete details!');

        return Redirect::to('/flaxadmin')

    } else {

        $d = array(
            Input::get('admin_username'), Hash::make(Input::get('admin_password'))

        $validate_admin = DB::table('administrators')
                            ->where('username', Input::get('admin_username'))
                            ->where('password', Hash::check('password', Input::get('admin_password')))



The result is

    [0] => admin002
    [1] => $2y$10$RTwKHN9W1/unu1ZhYlNjauApJjjoNTBnE6td/AZ5jWgZEdqVav0um

In my database the password of admin002 is


Is my code wrong? Or are there any proper way to do this? I am a begiiner in Laravel..

like image 583
Jerielle Avatar asked Oct 30 '14 08:10


People also ask

How do you match a hashed password?

You will need to verify the user passwords to see if they match the passwords stored in the database. To do this, we call check() on the Hash façade. The check() method verifies if the plain-text string entered by the user matches the given hash. The code above uses the Hash facade alongside the check() method.

How does hashed password compare to laravel?

GtGwoyQuMy'; Both $pass1 & $pass2 are bcrypt for 'test'. $hash1 = Hash::make('test'); $hash2 = Hash::make('test'); var_dump(Hash::check('test', $hash1) && Hash::check('test', $hash2)); html.

How does laravel compare passwords?

2 ways: 1. $hashedPassword = User::find(1)->password; if (Hash::check('plain-text-password', $hashedPassword)) { // The passwords match... } $hashedPassword = User::find(1)->password; if (Hash::make('plain-text-password') === $hashedPassword) { // The passwords match... }

3 Answers

First, you cannot do it this way. Assuming username is unique, you should do:

$validate_admin = DB::table('administrators')
                            ->where('username', Input::get('admin_username'))

if ($validate_admin && Hash::check(Input::get('admin_password'), $validate_admin->password)) {
  // here you know data is valid

However you should think about rather using built-in methods than coding it yourself. You have Auth::attempt or Auth::validate if you want to login/check only user with password so there's really no need to code it yourself.

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Marcin Nabiałek Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 00:10

Marcin Nabiałek

A slight improvement to marcin-nabiałek's answer, you can now use PHP's password_verify to achieve the same

$user = App\User::where('email', $request->email)->first();

if($user && password_verify($request->password, $user->password)) {
   // authenticated user,
   // do something...
like image 35
bmatovu Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 01:10


Here you're checking the string 'password' with the hashed version of the input password.

So try fetching the user by their username and if you've a result you can compare the hashed version of the password, stored in the database, with the input password. Like so:

$user = DB::table('administrators')
        ->select('username', 'password')
        ->where('username', Input::get('admin_username');

if($user->count()) {
    $user = $user->first();
    if(Hash::check(Input::get('admin_password'), $user->password)) {
         //User has provided valid credentials :)
like image 27
Daniel Gelling Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 01:10

Daniel Gelling