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How to communicate RabbitMQ(Pika library) in tornado application

Pika library support tornado adapter, here is an example about how to publish message using Asynchronous adapter.

I want use pika in tornado application, just an example, I want put tornado request data to RabbitMQ, But don't know how to do it.

Two question don't know how to solve.

1 Pika use tornado adapter has its own ioloop,

self._connection = pika.SelectConnection(pika.URLParameters(self._url),  

Tornado application has its own ioloop,


How to combine those two ioloop?

2 The Pika example publish same message again and again, but I want to publish request data, how to pass request data to publish method?

like image 642
linbo Avatar asked Jul 09 '13 02:07


1 Answers

On my search for exactly the same thing I found this blog post of Kevin Jing Qiu.

I went the rabbitmq hole a bit further to give every websocket his own set of channel and queues.

The extract from my project can be found below. A tornado application bound to RabbitMQ consists of these parts:

  1. The Tornado Application that will handle web requests. I only see long lived websockets here, but you can do so with short lived http requests as well.
  2. A (one) RabbitMQ connection hold by the PikaClient Instance
  3. a web connection that defines its channels, queues and exchanges when the open method is triggered.

Now a websocket connection can receive data from tornado (data from the browser) via on_message and send it to RabbitMQ.

The websocket connection will receive data from RabbitMQ via basic_consume.

This is not fully functional, but you should get the idea.

class PikaClient(object):

    def __init__(self, io_loop):
        logger.info('PikaClient: __init__')
        self.io_loop = io_loop

        self.connected = False
        self.connecting = False
        self.connection = None
        self.channel = None
        self.message_count = 0
    Pika-Tornado connection setup
    The setup process is a series of callback methods.
    connect:connect to rabbitmq and build connection to tornado io loop -> 
    on_connected: create a channel to rabbitmq ->
    on_channel_open: declare queue tornado, bind that queue to exchange 
                     chatserver_out and start consuming messages. 

    def connect(self):
        if self.connecting:
            #logger.info('PikaClient: Already connecting to RabbitMQ')

        #logger.info('PikaClient: Connecting to RabbitMQ')
        self.connecting = True

        cred = pika.PlainCredentials('guest', 'guest')
        param = pika.ConnectionParameters(
        self.connection = TornadoConnection(param,

    def on_connected(self, connection):
        logger.info('PikaClient: connected to RabbitMQ')
        self.connected = True
        self.connection = connection
        # now you are able to call the pika api to do things
        # this could be exchange setup for websocket connections to 
        # basic_publish to later.

    def on_channel_open(self, channel):
        logger.info('PikaClient: Channel %s open, Declaring exchange' % channel)
        self.channel = channel

    def on_closed(self, connection):
        logger.info('PikaClient: rabbit connection closed')

class MyWebSocketHandler(websocket.WebSocketHandler):
    def __init__(self):
        self.status = 'not connected yet'

    def open(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.status = "ws open"
        self.rabbit_connect() # connect this websocket object to rabbitmq

    def rabbit_connect():

    def rabbit_channel_in_ok(self,channel):
        self.channel_in = channel

# and so on...

handlers = [ your_definitions_here_like_websockets_or_such ]
settings = { your_settings_here }
application = tornado.web.Application(handlers,**settings)

def main():
    io_loop = tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance()
    # PikaClient is our rabbitmq consumer
    pc = PikaClient(io_loop)
    application.pc = pc
    except KeyboardInterrupt:

if __name__ == '__main__':
like image 100
itsafire Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 00:09
