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How to commit project in Unreal Engine to the github

I have a project in Unreal Engine 4 and it's size is 4.5Gb. I want to commit it to the github. Is it any folders, which I can add to the GitIgnore?

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like image 863
Dima Kozyr Avatar asked Jul 06 '15 13:07

Dima Kozyr

1 Answers

You should ignore any binary files (such as the game's .exe file). Here's a more complete list directly from Unreal Engine themselves:

Here is a typical folder structure for a code-based project. The files and folders in bold should be included, the rest can (and should) be safely ignored:

• Binaries*

Build - any custom build scripts or other build related dependencies you may have

Config - the default configuration files for your packaged project

Content - *maps, content files and assets***

• DerivedDataCache - temporary data files generated when you run the game

• Intermediate - temporary files generated when you compile your code

• Saved - local log & configuration files, screenshots, auto-saves etc. that are generated each time you run the game or Editor

Source - the source code of your project

• If your project uses third-party libraries, i.e. when integrating some software components or hardware devices, you may have DLLs, LIBs or other files in your Binaries directory that must be included if your project depends on them. However, do not include the DLLs and debug files (.pdb) that are generated for the project itself, i.e. MyProject.dll and MyProject.pdb.

like image 137
Jason Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 20:09
