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how to close Python selenium webdriver window

I have a python script that scraps data off from a website on an hourly basis. It is stored on the server at the moment and is working well as I am using task scheduler to schedule it to execute the script on an hourly basis.

I am using this code


to quit the browser window

My problem to this that whenever I am not logging in to the server, it will start stacking up the webdriver window as somehow the driver.quit() function does not work when I am logging into the server. every morning when I came to work, I have tons of window to close from the server.

I tried to quit, close, dispose, but it doesn't help. What else I can try?

like image 470
Kok chuan Lim Avatar asked Mar 04 '17 01:03

Kok chuan Lim

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1 Answers

In python using chromedriver, I quit Chrome processes with:

like image 59
jeanhuguesroy Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 20:10
