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How to clip the BackdropFilter with smooth edges?

I wanted to apply a BackdropFilter over an image in Flutter. So, I used the following way to apply the filter as given in the Flutter docs.

import 'dart:ui';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

void main() {
      debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
      home: Scaffold(
        body: MyApp(),

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      body: Center(
        child: Stack(
          alignment: Alignment.bottomCenter,
          children: <Widget>[
              height: 500,
              child: Image.network('https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcQlXYdeEKhFq34sh8-0ZKC1uqCcVGgOzdW_ZRAqCBkWxG-oeCB1'),
              top: 300,
              bottom: 0,
              left: 0,
              right: 0,
              child: ClipRect(
                child: BackdropFilter(
                  filter: ImageFilter.blur(sigmaX: 2, sigmaY: 10),
                  child: Container(
                    color: Colors.black.withOpacity(0),

It produced the following output: Output of my code

I am getting a hard edge between the BackDropFilter and the Image. Although, I want a smooth edge between them.

How can I achieve something like this?

like image 272
Aditya Avatar asked Nov 15 '19 13:11


People also ask

How does backdrop filter work?

The backdrop-filter CSS property lets you apply graphical effects such as blurring or color shifting to the area behind an element. Because it applies to everything behind the element, to see the effect you must make the element or its background at least partially transparent.

How do you use a backdrop filter on a flutter?

BackdropFilter is a widget that applies a filter to the current painted substance and afterward paints its child widget. Flutter will apply the filter to all spaces inside its parent widget's clip. That implies if there's no clip, the filter will be applied to the whole screen.

2 Answers

I was able to achieve it but it is kind of way out as there is no way to directly implement it as of now. Make this function for creating the effect. This function will recieve a list of widgets that you want to blur.

List<Widget> buildBlurredImage(List<Widget> l) {
    List<Widget> list = [];
    double sigmaX = 0;
    double sigmaY = 0.1;
    for (int i = 100; i < 350; i += 5) {
     // 100 is the starting height of blur
     // 350 is the ending height of blur
        top: i.toDouble(),
        bottom: 0,
        left: 0,
        right: 0,
        child: ClipRect(
          child: BackdropFilter(
            filter: ImageFilter.blur(
              sigmaX: sigmaX,
              sigmaY: sigmaY,
            child: Container(
              color: Colors.black.withOpacity(0),
      sigmaX += 0.1;
      sigmaY += 0.1;
    return list;

then inside your widget class inside stack use the function like this

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      body: Center(
        child: Stack(
          alignment: Alignment.bottomCenter,
          // children: <Widget>[],
          children: buildBlurredImage([
              height: 500,
              child: Image.network(
                fit: BoxFit.cover,

enter image description here

Your final Widget class will look like this

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  List<Widget> buildBlurredImage(List<Widget> l) {
    List<Widget> list = [];
    double sigmaX = 0;
    double sigmaY = 0.1;
    for (int i = 100; i < 350; i += 5) {
      // 100 is the starting height of blur
      // 350 is the ending height of blur
        top: i.toDouble(),
        bottom: 0,
        left: 0,
        right: 0,
        child: ClipRect(
          child: BackdropFilter(
            filter: ImageFilter.blur(
              sigmaX: sigmaX,
              sigmaY: sigmaY,
            child: Container(
              color: Colors.black.withOpacity(0),
      sigmaX += 0.1;
      sigmaY += 0.1;
    return list;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      body: Center(
        child: Stack(
          alignment: Alignment.bottomCenter,
          // children: <Widget>[],
          children: buildBlurredImage([
              height: 500,
              child: Image.network(
                fit: BoxFit.cover,
like image 55
Aman Malhotra Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 12:10

Aman Malhotra

The best approach for me would be to used a ShaderMask above the BackdropFilter.

Unfortunately that stop working due to a change in the engine: link

I created a issue on flutter, and I hope they solve the bug soon.

like image 3
jamesblasco Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 10:10
