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Including image in Wenhixin bootstrap-table

I am working with Wenhixin bootstrap-table.js. My table should look the below table. table Code for creating table is given below

<table class="table-bodered" data-classes="table table-hover table-condensed" data-toggle="table" data-url="http://localhost:1337/users" data-pagination="true" data-search="true" data-height="600">
                                                            <th data-field="profile_url">Picture</th>
                                                            <th data-field="fullname">Name</th>
                                                            <th data-field="SerialNo">Phone Number</th>
                                                            <th data-field="username">Login ID</th>
                                                            <th data-field="Image">Action</th>


However, without converting image-url to image, the table looks like the below one table with image URL

In order to get profile picture in the table , I have written the below code.

var data;

            type: "GET",
            url: "http://localhost:1337/users",
            contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
            dataType: "json",
            data: "",
            success: function (data) {
                console.log(data); //This is your result 

                for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
                    var node = document.createElement("LI");
                    var x = document.createElement("IMG");

                    x.setAttribute("src", data[1].profile_url);
                    x.setAttribute("width", "304");
                    x.setAttribute("width", "228");
                    x.setAttribute("alt", "The Pulpit Rock");



From there, I could get the image from url which is fetched from server. This became difficult for me to place this image in the column of Picture (As it is shown in the screenshot). Now, I am wondering how to place this image to which is dynamically created by Bootstrap-table.js Quick answers will be much appreciated.

like image 307
shumana chowdhury Avatar asked Nov 12 '15 09:11

shumana chowdhury

1 Answers

you can use cell format

    <div class="container">
        <p>Use <code>formatter</code> column option to format the display of bootstrap table column.</p>
        <table id="table"
                <th data-field="profile_url" data-formatter="imageFormatter">Picture</th>

    function imageFormatter(value, row) {
      return '<img src="'+value+'" />';

you can refer to the document


like image 80
Sean Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 10:11
