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How to clear the command line?



Is there a Rust equivalent to the system function in the C/C++ standard library? Specifically I am trying to use cls to clear the command line.

like image 484
Tom Tetlaw Avatar asked Oct 13 '15 09:10

Tom Tetlaw

People also ask

How do I clear the command line in terminal?

A common way to do that is to use the `clear` command, or its keyboard shortcut CTRL+L.

Is there a clear command?

clear is a computer operating system command which is used to bring the command line on top of the computer terminal. It is available in various Unix shells on Unix and Unix-like operating systems as well as on other systems such as KolibriOS.

How do I clear the command line in Linux?

You can use Ctrl+L keyboard shortcut in Linux to clear the screen. It works in most terminal emulators.

2 Answers

You could use C's system function through the libc crate. But fortunately there's a much better way: std::process::Command.

A quick and dirty way to call cls would be

if std::process::Command::new("cls").status().unwrap().success() {
    println!("screen successfully cleared");
like image 196
oli_obk Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 23:11


The mentioned methods did not work for me

The following method works in windows cmd


winapi = "0.2.8"
kernel32-sys = "0.2.1"


extern crate kernel32;
extern crate winapi;

use winapi::HANDLE;
use winapi::wincon::CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO;
use winapi::wincon::COORD;
use winapi::wincon::SMALL_RECT;
use winapi::WORD;
use winapi::DWORD;

static mut CONSOLE_HANDLE: Option<HANDLE> = None;

fn get_output_handle() -> HANDLE {
    unsafe {
        if let Some(handle) = CONSOLE_HANDLE {
            return handle;
        } else {
            let handle = kernel32::GetStdHandle(winapi::STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
            CONSOLE_HANDLE = Some(handle);
            return handle;

fn get_buffer_info() -> winapi::CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO {
    let handle = get_output_handle();
    if handle == winapi::INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE {
    let mut buffer = CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO {
        dwSize: COORD { X: 0, Y: 0 },
        dwCursorPosition: COORD { X: 0, Y: 0 },
        wAttributes: 0 as WORD,
        srWindow: SMALL_RECT {
            Left: 0,
            Top: 0,
            Right: 0,
            Bottom: 0,
        dwMaximumWindowSize: COORD { X: 0, Y: 0 },
    unsafe {
        kernel32::GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(handle, &mut buffer);

fn clear() {
    let handle = get_output_handle();
    if handle == winapi::INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE {

    let screen_buffer = get_buffer_info();
    let console_size: DWORD = screen_buffer.dwSize.X as u32 * screen_buffer.dwSize.Y as u32;
    let coord_screen = COORD { X: 0, Y: 0 };

    let mut amount_chart_written: DWORD = 0;
    unsafe {
            32 as winapi::WCHAR,
            &mut amount_chart_written,
    set_cursor_possition(0, 0);

fn set_cursor_possition(y: i16, x: i16) {
    let handle = get_output_handle();
    if handle == winapi::INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE {
    unsafe {
        kernel32::SetConsoleCursorPosition(handle, COORD { X: x, Y: y });


fn main() {
    loop {
        let mut input = String::new();
            .read_line(&mut input)
            .expect("Failed to read line");

        println!("You typed: {}", input);

        if input.trim() == "clear" {
like image 40
Jan-Fokke Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 00:11
