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How to clear ghci's function result cache?




GHCI seems to cache the results of functions during an interactive session. It's easy to notice, just call a time-consuming function twice. On the second time, the result will appear immediately.

Is there a way to clear this cache from within GHCI so I don't have to restart it? I'm doing some quick'n'dirty non-detailed performance comparisons, so using System.CPUTime instead would be overkill.

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user42179 Avatar asked Mar 18 '13 18:03


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1 Answers

You can always reload the module you're working in via the command :r. This will throw away any interactive bindings you have made, and that might not always be practical if you're just poking around. This also works if you're not actually using a module.

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yatima2975 Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 00:10
