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How to clear Dead Region Servers in HBase UI?




I have removed a regionserver from my HBase cluster.I removed its hostname from $HBASE_HOME/conf/regionservers, and restarted the HBase cluster, but the HBase UI still shows the removed region server as a 'dead' region server.

The 'status' command in the hbase shell also shows it as a dead region server. How should I get rid of it ?

like image 579
kewn21 Avatar asked Dec 28 '15 07:12


People also ask

How many HBase region servers are there?

While talking about numbers, it can serve approximately 1,000 regions.

How do I find my HBase region server?

To get the region info about the table, you need to scan hbase:meta table. This command will give details of all the regions. Row key will have region name and there will be four column qualifiers.

How do I remove HBase dead region server?

So the solution is to go to WALs directory in HDFS (usually at /hbase/WALs) and remove the files of the old regionserver.

Should the region server be located on all the DataNodes in HBase?

Absolute Yes, because Region server runs on the same servers as DataNodes.

1 Answers

Cluster getting haunted by dead regionserver :D

HBase may sometimes still show a decommissioned regionserver as dead. This is because, the WAL (Write-Ahead Log) of the dead regionserver was still in HDFS in the “splitting” state, so from HBase perspective it’s not dead !

So the solution is to go to WALs directory in HDFS (usually at /hbase/WALs) and remove the files of the old regionserver.

Found this at this wonderful blog kill zombie dead regionservers after much digging.

like image 167
Clyde D'Cruz Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 08:11

Clyde D'Cruz