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How to choose DDL Primary Key constraint names with JPA/Hibernate

There exists a proprietary hibernate annotation to specify the Foreign Key constraint names that are used at DDL generation time: org.hibernate.annotations.ForeignKey.

Is there also a way to specify the Primary Key constraint names?

like image 522
Jan Avatar asked Jul 20 '10 10:07


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You just need to add an attribute to your entity, make sure that its type and name match the database column, annotate it with @Column and you're done. You can then use the primary key to load the entity, and Hibernate sets the primary key value automatically.

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2 Answers

Not possible with standard JPA and not supported by Hibernate for Primary Key constraints neither.

There is actually a very old issue about this feature request (HB-1245) but it looks like it doesn't get much attention.

like image 161
Pascal Thivent Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 21:10

Pascal Thivent

You can control the generated PK constraint names with a few small mods in a custom dialect. For example, here's how to do it in Oracle (the same approach works for SQLServer & DB2):

public class CustomOracleDialect extends org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle10gDialect {

   private CustomTableExporter customTableExporter;

   public CustomOracleDialect () {
     customTableExporter = new CustomTableExporter(this);

   public Exporter<Table> getTableExporter () {
     return customTableExporter;

   static class CustomTableExporter extends StandardTableExporter {
     private final static int MAX_TABLE_NAME_LENGTH = 30;

     public CustomTableExporter (Dialect dialect) {

     public String[] getSqlCreateStrings (Table table, Metadata metadata) {
        final String[] sqlCreateStrings = super.getSqlCreateStrings(table, metadata);

        //-- replace " primary key" with " constraint TABLE_NAME_PK primary key "

        final String namedPkConstraint = " constraint " + StringUtils.truncate(table.getName(), MAX_TABLE_NAME_LENGTH - 3) + "_PK primary key ";

        for (int i = 0; i < sqlCreateStrings.length; ++i) {
           sqlCreateStrings[i] = StringUtils.replace(sqlCreateStrings[i], " primary key ", namedPkConstraint);

        return sqlCreateStrings;

This will change the generated DDL from this:

create table FOO_ENTITY (
  FOO_ENTITY_ID number(19, 0)      not null,
  JOB_NAME      varchar2(128 char) not null,
  primary key (FOO_ENTITY_ID)

To this :

-- AFTER: 
create table FOO_ENTITY (
  FOO_ENTITY_ID number(19, 0)      not null,
  JOB_NAME      varchar2(128 char) not null,
  constraint FOO_ENTITY_PK primary key (FOO_ENTITY_ID)
like image 28
Lance Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 21:10
