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How to check props of a DOM node in an unit test in React 0.14?

After upgrading React from 0.13 to v0.14.0-beta3, I got a lot of warnings like this in my unit tests:

Warning: ReactDOMComponent: Do not access .props of a DOM node; instead, recreate the props as `render` did originally or read the DOM properties/attributes directly from this node (e.g., this.refs.box.className). This DOM node was rendered by `Button`.

They are caused by my unit tests, for example:

it('should render to a <a> when href is given', function () {
    var button = TestUtils.renderIntoDocument(<Button className="amazon" href="#">Hello</Button>);
    expect(TestUtils.scryRenderedDOMComponentsWithTag(button, 'button').length).toBe(0);
    expect(TestUtils.scryRenderedDOMComponentsWithTag(button, 'a').length).toBe(1);
    expect(TestUtils.scryRenderedDOMComponentsWithTag(button, 'a')[0].props.href).toBe('#');
    expect(TestUtils.scryRenderedDOMComponentsWithTag(button, 'a')[0].props.className).toBe('amazon Button');

How do I fix this? Is there any recommended practice for testing DOM elements like this?

like image 902
mik01aj Avatar asked Aug 27 '15 10:08


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Access a DOM Element Using ReactDOM.findDOMNode() . findDOMNode() is used to find a specific node from the DOM tree and access its various properties, such as its inner HTML, child elements, type of element, etc. In short, it can return all the supported DOM measurements related to the kind of element.

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We access a DOM element using the current property of a reference created with the React. createRef() function. React will update this property with an actual DOM element after render and before update events. That means that we can access the DOM element in componentDidMount and componentDidUpdate functions.

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1 Answers

In the debugger I discovered that these elements (like, in my case, TestUtils.scryRenderedDOMComponentsWithTag(button, 'a')[0]) are in fact DOM elements with just some React properties added (like props and state).


So now, with this knowledge, I can write my assertions based on DOM attributes and properties, like:

like image 193
mik01aj Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 20:11
